Idag är jag och Lil tjejen ute på tur! Min lilla ängel! <3
Posts by Silja Jonsson Marklund
Update: Bitzi
Hello everyone, here’s some update of Starstuff’s Lil Bit Qwick ”Bitzi”. She has been X-Rayed (hips and elbows) and the results came back great. Her hips are A/A (best possible results in Sweden) and her elbows are 0/0 (also the best possible results). Her eyes were cleared at the same time.
We have now started to look around for a sire to a potential litter this summer. I will keep a puppy and so will her current owner Angelica do. Stay tuned!
Muzi & Beibi
My friends in Norway, Ragne & Stig Rune, owns two Working Aussie bitches that I helped import. One came from Germany in 2010, the other came from USA this spring. Here are a couple of photos;
Black C/W bitch (Doc Pieper’s Dark Muzi) ”Muzi”
Blue Merle C/W bitch (Kidd’s Thunder Baby) ”Beibi”
Spring move,
The spring move of our herd is finally over and here’s a photo of Chippa & Rocki waiting for work (April 2013)!
imp. Ligaen Zhippa Frosted Smoke STDcs
Today it’s six years since my best dog of all-time ”Chippa” was born in Denmark. These six years has been an amazing experience for me together with my best friend. I’m blessed with this dog!
Pictures are borrowed from Milene Hansen (breeder)!
Ragne Kristine & Beibi
Igår flyttade den underbara lilla valpen ’Beibi’ till Norge med Ragne Kristine Smuk. Det känns skönt att förmedla en sådan fin liten valp och jag är helt säker på att Ragne kommer att vara nöjd med sin lilla hund! Vi ser fram emot att träffa dem båda igen i juni!
Welcome home!
Our puppies arrived to Sweden Monday morning (April 1st) and it was the craziest experience ever. Not to bother telling details about it, I’ve decided to never ship a puppy/dog alone again. It’s actually cheaper (and easier!) to fly overseas and pick them up…
I was outside taking a couple of photos of our new arrivals today;
Toya: is the sweetest little puppy! She’s very outgoing and happy, very social and loving. I’m crazy about my new puppy and can see plenty of potential in her.
Beibi: is a very outgoing puppy. She loves people but is also a lot more independent. I have a great feeling about this little puppy and believe Ragne Kristine will be very happy with her addition.
I would like to give the greatest THANK YOU to Randy Kidd in Idaho, USA for raising these wonderful puppies together with his family. They’ve done a great job with them!
Hello everyone, how are you doing?
Time’s running by, I just looked at the calendar and realized that we’re entering the end of March already. There’s not many days left until our new addition ”Toya” will arrive from USA. I’m planning to drive down to Arlanda (Stockholm airport) on April 1st and she’ll arrive early morning the next day (2nd). Of course, she won’t be traveling alone. Her littermate sister ”Beibi” will accompany her and continue her travel up to the very north part of Norway. She’s going to live with Ragne Kristine Smuk (the sister of Muzi’s owner).
There’s so much more going on in my life so I apologize for not updating sooner…
I wish you a wonderful Easter!
Three years ago I flew to Germany to get a beautiful little black puppy (breeder: Kay Pieper) to my friends in Norway, the Smuk family. Ragne and I had been in touch for a couple of years before they decided to buy an Australian Shepherd. I was very happy to be able to help them find a good Working Aussie. Muzi’s parents were both ASCA working trial champions, Solo & Sombra. The picture below is Muzi at the age of three years. She’s very cute, and I hear that she’s a good stockdog too! Picture is taken by Ragne Krisitne Smuk.
P.S: Ragne isn’t to owner of Muzi herself but she’s waiting on her first Working Aussie. Ragne will import a puppy from USA with me in March, we’re both very excited about our puppies…
Exciting news!
We’ve decided to buy a puppy! Or the correct words would be; I’ve decided to buy a puppy…
We currently have two dogs at home (Chippa & Raili, a mix-bred pup that my father owns) but none of them are trial dogs and I really want to get out there and trial in the ASCA stockdog program once more. When I last showed my dog Chippa at a stockdog competition I had so much fun, although I was very nervous. Well, I’ve retired Chippa from the show-pen and haven’t yet had the pleasure to find another dog that’s worth showing.
I have high believes in this puppy and I really hope that she’ll be the working dog I’m looking for. She’s out of an exciting pedigree including the old Hangin’ Tree, Las Rocosa, Woods & Slash V lines. I’ve decided to call her TOYA. Isn’t she cute?
Above: Toya, photo by Randy Kidd