Exciting news!

We’ve decided to buy a puppy! Or the correct words would be; I’ve decided to buy a puppy…

We currently have two dogs at home (Chippa & Raili, a mix-bred pup that my father owns) but none of them are trial dogs and I really want to get out there and trial in the ASCA stockdog program once more. When I last showed my dog Chippa at a stockdog competition I had so much fun, although I was very nervous. Well, I’ve retired Chippa from the show-pen and haven’t yet had the pleasure to find another dog that’s worth showing.

I have high believes in this puppy and I really hope that she’ll be the working dog I’m looking for. She’s out of an exciting pedigree including the old Hangin’ Tree, Las Rocosa, Woods & Slash V lines. I’ve decided to call her TOYA. Isn’t she cute?

Above: Toya, photo by Randy Kidd

Stormo Backans Ami (FCI)

Ami blev startskottet på ett enormt intresse för renrasiga hundar. Aldrig hade jag träffat en mer lättlärd och lojal hund…

Vi fick hem Ami när jag just fyllt 13 år efter en hel del tjat på mina föräldrar. Hon kom snart att bli startskottet på ett enormt intresse för renrasiga hundar och hon tände en passion för just Australian Shepherd. Aldrig hade jag träffat en mer lättlärd och lojal hund.. Ami var den typ av hund som gjorde absolut allt för sin förare, trots min unga ålder. Hon va lättstyrd och lättmotiverad. Hon hade egentligen inga egna intressen, men levde genom mig och ville göra allt för min skull. En bättre vän blev svår att hitta!

Tyvärr hade Ami inga bättre nerver samt saknade alla vallinstinkter jag hade önskat i en Aussie. Men hennes andra kvalitéer gjorde att jag fortsatte att gräva efter kunskaper och 1.5 år efter henne hittade vi Chippa i Danmark…

Repeat litter in France

My friend Isabelle’s female Chips whelped her litter with 12 year old Texas (natural breeding) today. There’s still a couple of pups unspoken for. I’ll have Rocki in my future breeding program (full-sister to this litter) and she’s a blast to be around. A really good dog. I think this cross (Pincie Creek & Hart II’s) produce some excellent dogs. There’s a female in NL (owner Anneke de Jong) that is sired from the same sire as this litter, and out of a female with the same pedigree as Chips. This female is WTCH… 🙂

Above: red merle male, photo by Isabelle Rougetet

If anyone’s looking for a puppy you’re welcome to contact me. I’ll do my best to help you get your dream dog! 🙂

Working Reindeers

I realized that I haven’t published any videos of my dogs working reindeers yet. I think it’s time to show people what we do. Here’s a couple of short videos of my dog Chippa working at different ages. Description of every video will be available below the film.

This is Chippa at the age of 10 months old (I think) working reindeers for one of her first times in the open. She had too much speed do we decided to put her on leach. About 1.600 head.

This video was filmed when Chippa was about 20 months old. She is much more advanced in her training and are responding well to voice commands. This drive was about 10 US miles long in the deep snow. About 800 head.

This video shows Chippa when she’s soon to be three years old. It shows her progress to the dog that is able to make most decisions herself (and it’s still the right ones). At one point I yell at her to turn around and get back, than I figured there were one reindeer left and she saw it and when to pick it up.

Rocki: A/A hips

After having some trouble with my dogs’ health we’ve finally in a ’down hill’. Our female ”Rocki” (imported from France) was X-Rayed a couple of weeks ago and her hips came back A/A! First Australian Shepherd of mine with excellent hips. We’re thrilled with the results and really happy. Hopefully the luck will last!

Rocki is only a year old but with these great news I’ve decided to look for a male to her first litter. How exciting! 🙂

ASCA Nationals

This week the Australian Shepherd Club of America has hosted it’s annual ’nationals’ to determine who’s best in the breed of this year. The results are finally in and these were the top 10’s in each class (not official):


  1. Grangers Everredy Legends Edi (2012 ASCA Champion Cattle Dog)
  2. Ranahan’s Check-Mate (2012 ASCA Reserve Champion Cattle Dog)
  3. Twin Oaks Black Bart II
  4. Chuckanut Royal Secret
  5. Twin Oaks Tuff Zippin
  6. Pincie Creek Chief Micanophy
  7. Windsong’s True Grit
  8. Mary’s Libby Lee
  9. Twin Oaks Bucaneer
  10. Tucker Creek’s Bows And Arrows


  1. Ranahan’s Check-Mate (2012 ASCA Champion Sheep Dog)
  2. Beret’s Lucky Petey (2012 ASCA Reserve Champion Sheep Dog)
  3. Graingers Everredy Legends Edi
  4. Windsong’s Trie Grit
  5. Sweetgrass Painted Blue Skye
  6. Twin Oaks Black Bart II
  7. Chuckanut Royal Secret
  8. Mary’s Libby Lee
  9. Twin Oaks Bucaneer
  10. Twin Oaks Phoebe


  1. Ranahan’s Check-Mate (2012 ASCA Champion Duck Dog)
  2. Windsong’s True Grit (2012 ASCA Reserve Champion Duck Dog)
  3. Twin Oaks Phoebe
  4. Graingers Everredy Legends Edi
  5. Catch Me If You Can
  6. Twin Oaks Black Bart II
  7. W Lazy J Kodiaks Sly Guss
  8. Pincie Creek Cheif Micanophy
  9. Justus Liberty Cap
  10. Sweetgrass Painted Blue Skye